Extracts from The Free Press, 1903-1917
30 Jan 1903, Grange Church
Inscription on the Whitty monumnet in Grange Church
Inscription is in Latin but only the translation,
as per newspaper, is reproduced here.
Here lies Walter Whitty of Ballyteigue,
etc, Esquire, who died 9th Nov in the year of our Lord 1630 and Ellen,
his wife, daughter of Hamund Stafforde, of Ballyconnor,
gentleman, who died 27th Apr, in the year of our Lord 1646, and Catherine,
first wife of Richard Whitty, Esquire, daughter of
Philip Devereux of Balmagir, Esquire, who died 18 Aug
1646. To whose memory the same Richard, eldest son
of the aforementioned Walter and Ellen,
with his second wife, Catherine Eustace, daughter of
_ Eustace, of Ballyhenry, Esquire, have erected this
30 Jan 1903, Linziestown
Wanted - General Servant, do plain cooking, no washing; also nurse,
one with experience preferred, mind two children, 3 years, 8 months.
Wanted by 1st February. Apply, sending copies of testimonials wages,
etc., to Mrs SB Weldon, Linzietown, Tomhaggard.
24 Sep 1904, Grange
Before Messrs W H Lett (in the chair), J J Roche, and J B Boyd.
Messrs W Bolton and others sought an order for possession
of house, land, and premises from Mary Murphy, Grange,
at Kilmore. Mr J R Cooper appeared for the landlords.
Defendant did not appear. There were four or five years' rent due. Decree
for possession granted.
See Grange 1901.
8 Oct 1904, Mulrankin
was held at 3.30 o'clock, the Rev Paul P Kehoe, CC,
presiding. The schoolhouse was crammed almost to 'inconvenience by Leaguers,
earnest and enthusiastic, of both sexes. The clergy present included
the Rev T Byrne CC, Tacumshane, the pioneer of the
Gaelic movement in the Barony of Forth ; the Rev M Byrne,
CC, Wexford, and the Rev Denis Murphy, CC, Cleariestown,
- also enthusiastic supporters of the League. Amongst the general public
present were -
Dr D Hassett
Messrs M Browne, C??
J Kehoe, NT
J O'Keefe, Moor
Rd Dillon
J Mernagh
E Mernagh
M Cardiff P White
R White
M Howlett
M? Doyle
R Bolger
N Howlin
P Bolger
J Codd
N Barry
W Furlong
W Esmonde
M Dillon
P Barry
J Cassidy
P Chapman
R Whitty
M Kehoe
S O'Connor
E P Foley, Wexford
W Foley, Wexford
R Brennan, Wexford
M O'Flynn (organiser)
J Lucey (organiser)
The Rev Chairman, in opening the proceding, expressed his delight at
seeing such a large crowd present at the meeting, which was held with
the object of establishing a branch of the Gaelic League in the parish.
They welcomed Mr O'Flynn, whose name as a Gaelic League
organiser was now famous throughout the country, and they also welcomed
Mr Lucey, who appeared before them for the first time.
Anything he (the Rev Chairman) could possibly do for the formation of
the Irish classes in the district, and for the development of the Gaelic
movement, he would gladly do with all his heart (loud applause). Father
Kehoe then introduced Mr O'Flynn, who addressed
the meeting in Irish [...]
27 Mar 1909, Sarshill
Mr. Nicholas Keating, Sarshill, Kilmore.
We regret to announce the death of Mr. Nicholas Keating, Sarshill, which took place on Tuesday. Mr. Keating, who had reached the good age of 77 years, was one of the most popular and worthy residents of the great parish. He was noted for his uprightness, independance, patriotism, and truly Christian charity. The funeral, which took place on Thursday, was attended by the people of the whole surrounding district, as well as a large number from Wexford town and other parts of the county. It is a remarkable fact the funeral was the first which left the house for 47 years. The internment took place in the historic old churchyard of Sarshill. We offer our condolence to the sons of the deceased - Messrs. John Keating, James Keating, Sarshill; and the Rev. Matthew Keating, M.SS. R.I.P.
Extract courtesy of Elizabeth Thiele. See Sarshill
11 Sep 1909, Kilmore
Technical school for Kilmore
It is expected that the new Technical School will be opened in Kilmore
early in October. The classes will include domestic economy classes
for the girls of the district. This ought to prove a great boon, and
the instruction should be largely availed of so that the girls may become
well versed in household affairs and help to make the home bright and
11 Sep 1909, Bridgetown
Scarlatina outbreak near Bridgetown
Two cases of Scarlatina are reported near Bridgetown. The patients,
two children, are attended by Dr Hassett, and are convalescent.
30 Aug 1913, Ballyask
August 24th 1913, death of Patrick, second youngest
son of the late Thomas Joyce, aged 50 years.
11 Oct 1913, Kilmore Quay
Oct 7th 1913 death, after a tedious illness, Sillvester Flaherty,
Kilmore Quay, aged 37 years. RIP
See Namestown 1901.
15 Nov 1913, Rackardstown
On Sunday 9th November 1913 at Rackardstown, Kilmore, death of Johanna,
widow of the late Samuel Browne, aged 73 yrs, after
a brief illness
See Rackardstown 1901.
15 Nov 1913, Kilmore Quay
Mrs O Flaherty, Kilmore Quay, wrote stating that her
husband had died rather unexpectedly on 1st November. Her son had also
died within the month and she was left alone. She wishes to know if
the County Council would leave her in charge until the end of the quarter
before making any new appointment.
The secretary explained that Mr O Flaherty had been
Harbour Master, Keeper of the Lights, etc at Kilmore Pier, his total
salary being £25.
On the motion of the Chairman, a vote of Condolence was passed to Mrs
O Flaherty in her bereavement.
It was decided to leave the work in Mrs O Flaherty’s
hands till the end of the quarter.
See Namestown 1901.
17 Jan 1914, Millknock, Tacumshane
Death on January 14th 1914 at Millknock, Tacumshane, Sarah Dorothea,
eldest daughter of the late Francis Boxwell : aged
75. Funeral leaves for Mulrankin Friday 1pm.
3 Feb 1917, Wexford
Sailors’ wages in Wexford were increased to :
Mates, £5 to £6 10s. a month;
able seamen, £4 15s. to £6 a month;
ordinary seamen, £2 10s. to £3 a month;
boys, £1 to £2 a month