Chapel Petition 1871To Henry Brien?, Esq, M.p. We the undersigned your tenants at the Quay of Kilmore, and its vicinity, respectfully submit to your kind consideration the reasons which induce us to ask you for a site for a chapel, and school house, near to the Quay. Petitioners are nearly three miles distant from their house of Worship, which is to them a great inconvenience, much increased by the fact that the great majority of them have to go on foot by a road which in Winter is kept in almost constant slop by the droppings of seaweed, which is carted long it. Moreover the Quay people are at great disadvantage in letting their houses to Bathers in Summer, who are much kept away by the inconvenience of having so far to go on Sunday to Chapel. Petitioners feel that a Chapel at the Quay, will in many respects be of great service to them, it will help to make the place a centre of attraction, it will increase the resort of people to it, and will eventually aid in bringing about the development of the many natural advantages which the Quay possesses for business. Hoping to have a favourable reply we are Sir with great respect your faithful tenantry. Kilmore Quay